Learn More About the Clients We Serve and the Industries We Work In

Retail Industry Security Services
We know Retail Industry’s security needs more than any other security company. As a member of the National Retail Federation (NRF member ID 10905654), we understand Retail’s impact on the U.S. economy. Our Officers are the best trained in the industry. We know that in Retail, Customer is king, hence our Retail security officers participate in NRF Foundation’s Customer Service and Sales Certified Specialist program, and have completed the IS-912: Retail Security Awareness course. Our officers are trained to be first responders and are all Firewatch Guard certified. Deltacon is a leading provider of customized top-notch security services for retailers, malls, and shopping outlets. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment, at one or multiple locations - Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest; anywhere, anytime.
Protection of Government facilities & other Critical Infrastructures
Protection of America’s Critical Infrastructures is vital to National Security. Deltacon is a leader in training and management of security professionals solely dedicated to this task. Our Critical Infrastructure team leaders hold/have held state and or federal security clearance at the levels of confidential, secret, or top secret. Deltacon provides customized top-notch security services. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment – Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest.

Healthcare Facilities Security Services
As a partner member of the International Association for Healthcare and Security and Safety (IAHSS), we understand the very personal and sensitive nature of this sector in the lives of every American. We know what it takes for Industry leaders to manage teams of healthcare professionals and equipment to deliver excellent services. In addition to holding a state security license, our healthcare security professionals are trained to be first responders and hold an IAHSS Certified Healthcare Security Officer (CHSO) certification. Deltacon is a leading provider of customized top-notch security services for hospitals, nursing Homes, emergency rooms, community health center (CHC), research centers and clinics. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment, at one or multiple locations – Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest.
Warehousing & Storage Security
At Deltacon, we know more than any other company, the vital role that warehousing plays in the distribution of goods and services across America. We are familiar with the challenges of self-storage facilities and their security needs. In addition to having a state license, our security professionals are trained to be first responders, and they are FireGuard Watch certified. Deltacon is a leading provider of customized top-notch security services for storage centers, warehouses, distribution/fulfillment facilities. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment, at one or multiple locations - Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest; anywhere, anytime.

Construction Site Security Services
Safety and security are essential for workers and equipment at construction sites. In addition to holding a state license, our security professionals are trained to be first responders. They use their training and expertise to deter theft, trespassing, vandalism, and prevent fire, flooding and false alarms. They patrol the site to ensure a safe working environment and help to resolve conflicts among workers. We coordinate with Builders, contractors, project managers, property owners, managers, and other stakeholders to design a customized top-notch security plan. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment, at one or multiple locations – Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest.
Financial Institutions Security Services
We pride ourselves as having the best trained security professionals in the industry. In addition to holding a state license, our officers are trained to be first responders, and our Bank Protection Officers are required to complete Robbery and Bank Security, an American Bankers Association (ABA) frontline Compliance Training Course. They use their training and expertise to deter crime and engender a calm business atmosphere. Our obligation to keep your facilities, employees, and customers safe and secure is our priority. Deltacon is a leading provider of customized top-notch security services. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment; at one or multiple locations – Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest.

Manufacturing & Petrochemical Security
Our understanding of the Manufacturing/Petrochemical Industry’s unique security needs is unparalleled. Our Officers are the best trained in the industry. In addition to holding a state license, our officers are trained to be first responders and FireGuard certified. Officers assigned to the Manufacturing/Petrochemical sector are also required to complete DHS/FEMA Manufacturing Sector Security Awareness Training.
Deltacon is a leading provider of customized top-notch security services. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment; at one or multiple locations – Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest.
Ports of Entry (Airport, Seaport & Border) Security
Protecting America’s Ports of Entry is vital to our National Security. We have a better understanding of this more than any other security company. Our Officers are the best trained in the industry. In addition to holding a state license, our officers are trained to be first responders and FireGuard certified. Officers assigned to the Ports of Entry do complete a plethora of training including AWR144: Port and Vessel Security for Public Safety and Maritime Personnel.
Deltacon is a leading provider of customized top-notch security services. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment; at one or multiple locations – Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest.

Commercial Realty & High-Rise Complex
This sector is considered a national Critical Infrastructure. Our understanding of Industry’s unique security needs is unparalleled. Our Officers are the best trained in the industry. In addition to holding a state security license, our officers are trained to be first responders and are FireGuard certified. Our Officers have completed the Houston Fire Department’s Certified High-rise Fire Warden course, and the American Red Cross First Aid, CPR/AED course.
Deltacon is a leading provider of customized top-notch security services. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment; at one or multiple locations – Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest.
Gated/Multi-Unit Residential Complex Security
Our families and friends are at the core of our existence and their safety and security is our priority. We recognize the unique concerns and challenges faced by builders, property managers, homeowners, and tenants. Our Officers are the best trained in the industry. In addition to holding Texas state private security license, our officers are trained to be first responders and are FireGuard certified. Our Officers have completed the Houston Fire Department’s Certified High-rise Fire Warden and the American Red Cross First Aid, CPR/AED courses.
Deltacon is a leading provider of customized top-notch security services. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment; at one or multiple locations – Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest.

Hospitality & Tourism Sector Security
At Deltacon, we know that good guest service is the foundation and heart of every reputable hospitality provider. We are better positioned to complement your services. Our officers are the best trained in the industry. In addition to holding a state security license, our officers have completed the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) Certified Lodging Security Officer (CLSO) course. They are trained to be first responders and are FireGuard certified. Our Officers have also completed the Houston Fire Department’s Certified High-rise Fire Warden course. They carry American Red Cross First Aid, CPR/AED card.
Deltacon is a leading provider of customized top-notch security services. Whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or long-term commitment; at one or multiple locations – Our security professionals are ready to serve and protect your interest.